eCM (Eur Cell Mater / e Cells & Materials)
eCM Periodical and Conferences, Science with Open Discussion
 ISSN 2522-235X

22nd Interdisciplinary Research Conference on Biomaterials Groupe de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur les Biomatériaux Ostéo-articulaires Injectables (GRIBOI)
Uppsala, Sweden, May 10th – 12th, 2012


It was our great pleasure to welcome all the participants to Uppsala and the 22nd GRIBOI conference. We hope that the days spent at the conference have offered an opportunity for researchers and leading experts within the area of medicine, surgery, early intervention, biomaterials, injectables, and engineering to meet and inspire one another. We were much honored to host the 22nd GRIBOI conference and would like to thank all participants for making this meeting a memorable experience.
Jöns Hilborn and Håkan Engqvist


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