ARI Abstracts
ARI Abstracts hosting, Science for all
 ARI Abstracts ISSN 2960-2483 (Continues: eCM conferences open access online periodical, ISSN 2522-235X- until July 2023)

eCM Meeting Abstracts 2015, Collection 7

Special issue eCM - Scientific days in Liege 19-20 May 2014

The SFBD is a scientific society that brings together teachers, researchers and practitioners working in the field of dental biomaterials. France, Belgium, Switzerland and Lebanon are the most represented countries.

Every year we organize educational meetings in January and an annual conference in June / July. This convention results in scientific papers which you can read abstracts in this special issue on the days in 2014 Liège (Belgium).

We have published a free online book biomaterials ( for students or practitioners. In terms of research we obtained significant funding for Hospital Project Clinical Research (PHRC DECAT) multicenter, headed by Professor Brigitte Grosgogeat (Lyon), Vice President of our society, which aims to study , depending on the materials used, the viability of the partial excavation during preparation of teeth restorations with deep caries. We also obtained funding for the construction of a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) biomaterials under the direction of Dr. Bruno Jacquot (Montpellier) and will be for students and practitioners. Finally the last 5 years, we propose a research grant Michel Degrange in memoriam to Michel, who founded the SFBD with Professor Bernard Picard, there are now 32 years.

The next congress will be held in Paris in July 2015 and will be dedicated to students. But I'll talk about it when we will publish a special issue for this Congress.
Enjoy reading

Jean-Pierre ATTAL
President of the SFBD

Meeting Abstracts